1. Mung dahl & pearl barley cooked together: gave barley a 10min head start, added dahl a a pinch of salt, then cooked all till soft. Love that it looks like my grandma’s creamed corn.
2. Sautéed vegetables: onion, mushrooms, garlic in that order, then curry powder, ground ginger, salt & pepper, stir, then add Roma tomatoes, frozen spinach, a slosh of lemon juice. Cover loosely and let simmer for a bit.
I served these side by side and added a ton of nutritional yeast to the vegetables so they had a creamy consistency. Mark opted to nooch his dahl & barley instead. I think crushed almonds or cashews would’ve been a great topping for the vegetables to provide a little more textural variety.
3. Dessert barley dahl: Scooped some dahl & barley into a bowl and added a healthy teaspoon of homemade vanilla-with-cinnamon, and a generous pour of maple syrup. Mixed well. Think this would have been more whole-foody with chopped dates instead of maple syrup, but we’re out. And raisins. Topped with crushed cashews. Next time.